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Ansible for Band Protocol

Deploy a fullnode with oracle for bandprotocol validator using ansible playbook

Parameters to configure


  • default_ssh_port='22'
  • p2p_port='26656'
  • custom_ssh_port='57315'
  • default_user='root'
  • go_bin='/usr/local/bin'
  • band_version='v2.5.2'
  • enable_prometheus='true'
  • prometheus_ip=''
  • prometheus_port='26660'

How to run ansible playbook

Clone repo with playbook:
git clone && cd ansible

If you want to configure custom ssh port or enable firewall for cosmos based node, you will want to run this playbook first:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini 01-os-preparation.yml -e "ansible_ssh_timeout=60"

After the system is ready run following playbook to install bandd and yoda binaries:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini 02-band-installation.yml -l 'validator' -e "ansible_ssh_timeout=60"
